Lexington United Soccer Club
Lexington United Soccer Club (LUSC) is the culmination of years of effort by Town of Lexington Recreation Department employees, volunteer organizers, and parents.
Youth soccer began over 30 years ago in Lexington when the Town Recreation Department began a fall Saturday morning program for kids. Over the years, the Recreation Department promoted and nurtured the program, and expanded it to include older children as well as a spring program. Two independent soccer organizations, LYS (Lexington Youth Soccer) and LISC (Lexington Independent Soccer Club) evolved, representing both travel and in-town teams. Today LUSC (representing the merger of LYS and LISC) provides one of the state’s most progressive soccer programs, providing a developmentally appropriate soccer program and game opportunities for interested Lexington children, a program that is a “fully-inclusive, age appropriate, child-centered, fun experience.” *
LUSC is a community-based, inclusive, volunteer led and managed soccer club. LUSC provides the organization, guidance, professional coaching, and training for volunteer coaches at every level, thus enabling all interested children the opportunity to play soccer in Lexington.